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Investment Options » Self-Directed IRAs

        Traditionally, owners of retirement accounts have very little control over how the funds in the accounts are invested. Sometimes stock brokerages will allow the owner to choose which stocks, mutual funds or CDs are purchased.

        Do you want your retirement to be susceptible to the whims of the stock market? If not, you may invest in CDs which don’t give you any additional purchasing power over the term of the investment because inflation rates are comparable to the rate of return. On top of these drawbacks, the stock brokerages charge for each transaction, if it makes you money or not.

There is a better way!

        Self-directed IRAs give the owner an opportunity to control where the retirement money is invested and there are considerably more types of investments available to the owner.

        Your typical 401(k) custodian may say your account is "Self-directed" because they allow you to "choose" from various stocks, and mutual funds. They may say "it isn't possible” to do investments outside of what they offer. The custodian says that the only investments allowed in a retirement account are stocks, CDs, and mutual funds.

        The truth is that broader investment options have been available to the public since 1975, the year contributions could first be made to IRAs.

        Here are some of the self-directed investment options you can take advantage of:

  • Real Estate (single family homes, apartments, commercial property and land)
  • Secured and Unsecured Notes (Mortgages and Deeds of Trust)
  • Limited Liability Companies
  • Private Limited Partnerships
  • Partnerships and Joint Ventures
  • Private Stock
  • Publicly traded stocks, bonds and mutual funds

        Yes, you can invest your IRA in an asset that is safe and secure, and confidently grow your retirement funds over the long run!

        How would you like to earn 12-14% with safe, secure, short-term mortgages with your tax-deferred or better yet, your tax-free, retirement account?

        Or how would you like to earn a much larger rate of return, tax-free, by investing in commercial real estate?

        Contact us for more information regarding setting up a self-directed retirement account.

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